Oak Hill Model Railroad Track Supply LLC
Roadmaster Series Diamond/Crossing Kits
Roadmaster Series Diamond/Crossing Kits
The new Roadmaster series diamond kits are now available to pre-order. !These kits will allow you to build diamonds/crossings with museum quality details. The tie plates have been drawn from prototype drawings and scaled to HO standards. They are compatible with code 70 and 83 Microengineering rail. You already know the exacting details of our diamonds. This is a game changer in adding realism to your railroad.
The laser tie bases are designed to be used with our diamond tie plates. No tools are required.
Here is how it works:
1. Apply pliobond to underside of tie plates
2. Using pins supplied, you insert pins into holes in tie base and fit tie plates over pins. This automatically gauges the track.
3. Using soldering iron, cure pliobond to wood ties by heating tie plate fret on top with soldering iron, much like you do with rail and pliobond for traditional track laying
4. Attach rail to tie plates using pliobond and one dot of solder paste under one tie plate. This will allow the tie plate to be electrically connected to the rail/frog. All tie plates are designed for rail to sit into flanges perfectly, thus automatically gauging all the rail/frog.
5.Each tie plate fret has a tab for connecting feeder wires for power, eliminating the need to pull feeder wire up through benchwork and attach to side of rail! This is an ingenious feature of the Roadmaster series of track!
Every kit contains: laser cut tie base, rail (ready to lay), tie plate fret, cast diamond, and pins for installing tie plates
Future designs will allow you to build yard ladders, sidings, crossovers, etc with custom designed tie bases. Tie bases will also have tabs to connect together, eliminating the need to filler ties in-between pieces of track.
All pre-orders have free shipping and sale price. Once they arrive, pre-sale price and free shipping will end.
Expected delivery is August 2024
**19 degree crossing, 70 diamond and 70 degree diamond to highlight tie plates on wood ties***