Collection: Roadmaster Series

You can now lay your own track quickly, easily, and affordably. Replicate our prototype to match your highly detailed and weathered motive power and rolling stock.

Our designs are based on industry blueprints from manufacturers like Petibone, US Steel, and Racor, as well as major railroad archives. They can be customized to fit any location you model. If you have a specific site in mind, we can create track plans using Google Earth for the most accurate replication of your model railroad.

Our innovative process features milled wood ties with precision notches that accurately position the tie plates, eliminating the need to set them individually. You can now install sections in minutes, not hours. Plus, our tie plates come with built-in electrical pickups, removing the hassle of unsightly wiring.

Now Available for Pre-Order:

  • Turnout and diamond tie plates
  • Cast frogs
  • Turnout kits (includes laser-cut ties, tie plates, cast frogs, tie rods, and rail—all pre-cut and ready to install)
  • Diamond kits (includes laser-cut ties, tie plates, cast diamonds, tie rods, and rail—all pre-cut and ready to install)